Art: Marilyn Minter

Marilyn Minter

"Her photographs and works often include sexuality and erotic imagery. Minter begins her process by staging photo shoots with film. She uses conventional darkroom processes. She does not crop or digitally manipulate her photographs. Her paintings, on the other hand, are made by combining negatives in photoshop to make a whole new image. This new image is then turned into paintings created through the layering of enamel paint on aluminum. Minter and her assistants work directly from this newly created digital image. The last layer is applied with fingertips to create a modeling or softening of the paintbrush lines..."

Art: Auguste Rodin

"Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917) brought monumental public sculpture into the modern era. Though he was well acquainted with the academic traditions and idealized subjects of classical and Renaissance sculpture, Rodin's aim in his work was to be absolutely faithful to nature. His uncanny ability to convey movement and to show the inner feelings of the men and women he portrayed, the bravura of his light-catching modeling, and his extraordinary use of similar figures in different mediums, have established him as one of the greatest sculptors of all time."

The Rodin Museum in Paris

all photography by Sarah Howard

Inspired: Amelie

to view the entire photo shoot, click here.

Pretty, Pretty

Carla Bruni

Karen Elson

Kate Moss


Main Entry: rube
Pronunciation: \ˈrüb\
Function: noun
Etymology: Rube, nickname for Reuben
Date: 1891

1 : an awkward unsophisticated person : rustic 2 : a naive or inexperienced person


Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist, Rube Goldberg